Paddle Patagonia

Turbio River Expedition: Hike in - Raft out

Trip description

Price: USD 3,600.00.

TheTurbio IV is a remote valley in northern Patagonia that local mountaineers first began to explore in the 1980s. While the Yosemite-like granite walls that rise from the banks of the Río Turbio river have undoubtedly made this a climbers’ paradise, the allure of “El Turbio” extends far beyond the vertical.

This valley remains largely unexplored to this day, offering the modern adventurer a rare opportunity to experience Patagonia in its natural state.  Over the course of several days, we’ll hike upstream along the Río Turbio river with pack horses and through the Selva Valdiviana rainforest in order to reach Turbio IV.

We’ll camp on an off-grid homestead and spend the night in rustic backcountry huts including “Don Ropo” and “Don Chule'', preparing tasty meals along the way. At the end of our journey, we’ll float back down the river on rafts, taking in the raw beauty of “El Turbio” one last time before returning back to civilization.

Join us for an epic 10-day hike in, raft out adventure unlike any other. 

Day 1
Arrival to Bariloche and transfer to hotel approx. 120km south. Tonight we'll have a welcome meeting and tasty dinner to get to know each other check our gear before our departure in the morning.

Day 2
Puelo Lake to Marolt (13 km – 5 Hours – Easy Day): With an early start, we drive to Puelo Lake and take a boat trip across to mouth of the Turbio river. We load the gear onto our support horses and start an easy first day of hiking. This is a good intro day to arrive at Marolt family ranch. We will camp by the river and try some local cuisine. 

Day 3
Marolt to Jara (15 km – 7 Hours – Moderate Day):  This is the second day of hiking going upstream with a few river crossings that will lead us to Jara River Hut.  This is a basic shelter but a perfect camping site and also a great fishing spot! Maybe we'll have fresh trout for dinner if we are lucky!

Day 4
Jara to Don Ropo (15 km – 8 hours – Hard Day):  Today we keep trekking up river with a lot of river crossings. We walk along the river shore and will cross either walking, by horse or by boat depending on river levels. Today we arrive at the main river junction ¨La Horqueta¨ where all the rivers meet and the valley splits. From here we have another hour trekking which takes us to Don Ropo Mountain Hut at the start of Turbio IV valley.

Day 5
Rest Day/Weather Day: After three days of moving, we have a well-deserved rest in the Patagonian rainforest. With the fire going we can dry out our gear and prepare for the second part of the expedition. This day could also be used as a layover weather day giving us a bit more room for any itinerary changes.

Day 6
Don Ropo Hut to Don Chule Hut (12 km – 10 hours – Hard Day): From Don Ropo onwards the terrain is very diverse and spectacular. When possible we trek along the river shore, when this is not possible we will venture inside the forest.  After a long day and two zip lines along the way we arrive at paradise! Don Chule Mountain Hut is a tiny luxurious cabin in the lost valley of ¨La Oreja.¨

Day 7
Turbio IV Hiking  (Optional Moderate Day – 6 hours)  Today there is an optional hike to La Mariposa Lagoon. A perfect granite circus surrounds this beautiful lagoon where very few people have been.

Day 8
Don Chule to Don Ropo (12 km – 8 hours – Hard Day) The descent back to Don Ropo will provide great opportunities to see the area and the mountains from a different perspective.

Day 9
Rafting + Boat Trip out (4 km – 1.5 hours – Easy Hiking day ) Early start back to ¨La Horqueta¨ River Junction where our rafting guides will have the boats ready to roll. What we have walked in three days we will float down in 5 hours of cruising. The river flows smoothly as we take in the experience. Once on the lake we cross will cross on motorboats back to civilization and a proper final dinner and celebration. 

Day 10
The trips ends after breakfast where transport to the airport or next destination can be arranged.